Why chasing happiness is futile?

I have encountered a general lament from a slew of people that they aren’t happy, or “it is life”, and to placate their misery, they affirm another adage that nobody in this world is happy. It is true and we all can attest to this behaviour. We desperately wish to be happy but the larger question is – Is it at all possible? Happiness is intrinsically an emotion facilitated by hormones namely four of them: dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphin. Whenever you feel ‘happy’ it is the result of these chemicals at work. Our brain’s abstruse structure is in a manner which can decipher our ‘reality’ and command our glands when to release these hormones at relevant situations. Thus, when you are gifted something on your birthday, purchase a new-fangled device, have sex, kiss, cuddle, hug your partner, perform a workout, achieve a goal or simply have a semblance of ‘achievement’ as expatiated by canker of social media usage or porn addiction, smoking, weed etc. your brain is inundat...