Why religious 'logos' is plummeting?

The fundamental biological built of human body is purposed for only for two objectives– survival and reproduction. Our body’s functions, anatomy and the tools we use to comprehend reality (5 sense organs) have a predestined biological purpose which is to ensure survival and procreation. Hence, every aspect of our body which we currently decipher is genetically constructed to keep us alive and further our species. But a rudimentary wedge between human beings and other organisms is that we decipher reality using our brain which is capacious of collating information from our surroundings and make us efficient in the two aforementioned purposes. Here, our intellectual capacity is superior to that of other organisms because we are able to ruminate and come up with quick solutions keeping in mind the various variables we gather from around us. We are able to solve ‘problems’ radically better than any other species. It is imperative to note because our brains and psychological make-up is weav...